Matt McGinn
Iced-a cream, Tony Capaldi
Iced-a cream, cream, cream, cream, cream
My name is Tony Capaldi and I come from Napoli
I was very fond of the girls and they were fond of me
The one that brought my downfall was a girl they call Marie
I had to leave the country when her father came after me
Iced-a cream, Tony Capaldi
Iced-a cream, cream, cream, cream, cream
I landed up in Glasgow with my only property
A little barrel organ and a monkey called McGee
I didn’t know the language but the children taught it to me
For as I roamed around the town, they sang so merrily,
‘Iced-a cream, Tony Capaldi
Iced-a cream, cream, cream, cream, cream’
I sold my barrel organ for a bicycle and box
I bought some sugar and milk and flour and frozen water blocks
I throw them in a great big pot and churn them all around
And I make the sweetest iced-a cream in the whole of Glasgow town
Iced-a cream, Tony Capaldi
Iced-a cream, cream, cream, cream, cream
I opened up a little cafe near by Barrowland
I sold my little bicycle and bought a beautiful van
And now as I roam round the streets, you’ll hear the children scream,
‘Here come Tony Capaldi, he make a-lovely iced-a cream’
Iced-a cream, Tony Capaldi
Iced-a cream, cream, cream, cream, cream
And so I make my fortune and return to Napoli
You should see the smiles upon the face on the father of Marie
He like-a Tony Capaldi now, he gives his daughter to me
And we return to Glasgow town to raise a family
On iced-a cream, Tony Capaldi
Iced-a cream, cream, cream, cream, cream
Iced-a cream