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written by Alex Russell


When Strathclyde was in Brigton

And my time was nearly oot

What happened in the monkey shop

I'll tell ye aw aboot


Ricky doo dum da, doo dum da

Ricky, dickie doo dum day


A sneezer o a job came in

And I was left to solve

The problem o the makin

O a swan necked valve


Ricky doo dum da, doo dum da

Ricky, dickie doo dum day


I looked at it and wondered

Where the partin I should mak

And syne I wished the gaffer

He would come and take it back


Ricky doo dum da, doo dum da

Ricky, dickie doo dum day


But nothing came to save me

And I had to mak a delve

I worked wi trepidation

On the swan necked valve


Ricky doo dum da, doo dum da

Ricky, dickie doo dum day


I took a double partin

And a tap and drag as well

And every snug was aff the box

Ye've seen that kind yersel


Ricky doo dum da, doo dum da

Ricky, dickie doo dum day


My mates a' looked at me and said

‘Ye never will evolve

A system for the makin

O a swan necked valve'


Ricky doo dum da, doo dum da

Ricky, dickie doo dum day


I got a clamp fu' six feet long

And stuck it doon the side

And in the absence o a pin

That was my only guide


Ricky doo dum da, doo dum da

Ricky, dickie doo dum day


And tho my knees were shakin

Sure I worked wi grim resolve

That clamp stood like a mast

Aboon the swan necked valve


Ricky doo dum da, doo dum da

Ricky, dickie doo dum day


They sent my brother Sammy in

To help me close and cast

And syne the first thing that he did

Was ca' away the mast


Ricky doo dum da, doo dum da

Ricky, dickie doo dum day


So noo I didnae hae a guide

My heid seemed tae revolve

But part by part we closed by guess

The swan necked valve


Ricky doo dum da, doo dum da

Ricky, dickie doo dum day


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