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Matt McGinn


He took a hammer and a nail

And a little piece of wood

He made a little table and a chair

People heard his name

Everybody came

To see the little carpenter


Joshua Ben Joseph was a charming little boy

His father gave him a joiner’s set

He loved that little toy

People came from miles around

Then they popped their eyes

When the lovely little boy

With the tricky little toy

Started to philosophise


He took a hammer and a nail

And a little piece of wood

He made a little table and a chair

People heard his name

Everybody came

To see the little carpenter


He said, ‘Feed the hungry

Tend the sick and old

Be Samaritan to the beggar man

Share out all your gold

Turn the cheek, be mild and meek

Have love for every man

Be he pink or rosy red

Or yellow, black or tan’


He took a hammer and a nail

And a little piece of wood

He made a little table and a chair

People heard his name

Everybody came

To see the little carpenter


Joshua Ben Joseph

To the temple went one day

He sent the money-changing men

Upon their merry way

But Joshua had gone too far

For the men of power and gold

In unity with the Pharisee

They said, ‘What we have, we hold’


They took a hammer and a nail

And a little piece of wood

They hanged him then and there

People heard his name

Everybody came

To see the little carpenter


He took a hammer and a nail

And a little piece of wood

He made a little table and a chair

People heard his name

Everybody came

To see the little carpenter

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