Matt McGinn
The case of the mistaken identity of the two heided man……………
A bunch of the girls were scoffing it off
In the Saracen Heid Saloon
The kid that handled their music box
Was playing an old Scotch tune
Back of the bar as drunk as a lord
Stood Dangerous Dan McLuskey
Eyeing up all the birds that were there
And pouring them short-measured whisky
When out of the night a two heided man
Wi a claw for a haun stumbled in
He pulled a razor out of his coat and says
‘Right, where is... the twin?’
The lassies all fainted and big Danny fled
To fetch the Black Maria van
Joe the Bull sipped up his beer and says
‘Don’t tell me there is another wan’
Well, the two heided man was insulted
And he told Joe the Bull tae chuck it
Joe bought him two pints of beer
And he put his razor back in his pocket
Dangerous Dan was two minutes away
And he came back with a van
The polis came rushing right intae the place
They were efter the two heided man
Well, the two heided man made a statement
And the polis, they made a note of it
Then the two heided man was stuck up against
Two copies of Bible John’s photokit
The polis were lifting the two heided man
And Joe the Bull showed their stupidity
He was able to prove to the polis, it was
A case of mistaken identity